洪西進(Shi-Jinn Horng)
Status Chair Professors
Name 洪西進(Shi-Jinn Horng)
Job title Chair Professor
Experience Chair Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Director of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Distinguished Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Dean of the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, National United University
Dean of the National United University Institute of Technology
Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, National United University
Research areas Artificial intelligence, deep learning and big data, biometric technology, information security, cloud and fault-tolerant computing, multimedia applications, medical applications
Schedule On-campus Schedule
Year Paper Title
2023 楊勇(Yong Yang)、陳紅梅梅(Hongmei Chen)*、米勇(Yong Mi)、羅川(Chuan Luo)、洪西進(SHI-JINN HORNG)、李天瑞(Tianrui Li), Multi-label feature selection based on stable label relevance and label-specific features, INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2023
2023 雲天佑(Tengyu Yin)、陳紅梅(Hongmei Chen)*、雍聰聰(Zhong Yuan)、王基紅(Jihong Wan)、劉鉻佑(Keyu Liu)、洪西進(SHI-JINN HORNG)、李天瑞(Tianrui Li), A Robust Multilabel Feature Selection Approach Based on Graph Structure Considering Fuzzy Dependency and Feature Interaction, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, vol.31 no.12, 2023
2023 阮氏雲(hi-Van Nguyen)、洪西進(SHI-JINN HORNG)*、武廷忠(Dinh-Trung Vu)、陳紅梅(Hongmei Chen)、李天瑞(Tianrui Li), LAWNet: A Lightweight Attention-Based Deep Learning Model for Wrist Vein Verification in Smartphones Using RGB Images, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, vol.72, 2023
Category Course Code Course Title Year
大學日間部 EE300098A 機器學習 113