K. C. Roger Liu
Status Professors
Name K. C. Roger Liu
Job title Professor
Education Ph.D. in Department of Electrical Engineering, Tatung University, Taiwan
Experience Dean, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Overseas Chinese University
President, Taiwan Hospitality & Tourism University
Secretary General, Taiwan Hospitality & Tourism University
Dean of Academic Affairs, Taiwan Hospitality & Tourism University
Expert Committee Member, Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan, Taiwan
Evaluation Committee Member, University Institutional Evaluation
Executive Member, Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence, MOE, Taiwan
Expert Committee Member, Home Stay (Hostel) Appraisal Plan, Tourism Bureau, MOTC, Taiwan
Advisory Committee Member, Committee of Tourism Promotion, Tourism Department, Haulien County, Taiwan
Research areas image processing, color visual model, internet marketing, smart tourism
Office H617
Extension 1814
Schedule On-campus Schedule
Web page https://kcliuprofessor.weebly.com/
Category Course Code Course Title Year
研究所碩士班 ES200025A 專題研討(一) 113
研究所碩士班 ES200035A 論文研討(一) 113
大學日間部 ES300021A 供應鏈管理 113
大學日間部 ES300179A 行動軟體設計 113
大學日間部 ES300190B 學輔時間(三) 113